Sunday, September 14, 2008

THIS time, the better candidate WILL win

John McCain has lost any respect and credibility that he may have once had.

This election could have been decided on issues.

Or it could have been decided on the same ridiculous crap that is always brought up.

The democrats are weak on defense, they will raise your taxes, they want to abort your babies, and they want gays and lesbians to seduce your children.

However, McCain made too many mistakes, those same claims can only be made by a campaign that is not constantly caught in a lie, is not proven out of touch, is not seen as lead by someone too frickin' OLD to run this country (if you are too old and/or stubborn to learn how to use a computer, you are NOT qualified to be the POTUS).

He’s had it, he’s lost, and he knows it.

Let him do what he will in his feeble attempt so save face among the Republicans.

Let Obama do what he knows will prevail among Americans.

THIS time, the better candidate WILL win.


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